Twitter is a micro blogging platform that allows a account holder to tweet a maximum of 140 character. Twitter is said to be a haven for all businesses. For your business to succeed, you need a twitter account.

A good way to use twitter for business is twitter list. Twitter list, according to twitterblog, "is a curated group of twitter account". It can be easily set up from your twitter account. When setting up a list, you will decide if you should make it private. Making a list private means that when you add a twitter account on the list, the the account holder will not receive a notification.

You can add a twitter account without following such twitter handle. You can also create as many list as you want for your business. You can create various list for various reasons. To learn how to create a twitter list tap or click here. The various ways to use twitter list are discussed below:

1. A List For Competitors:
You can create a list for your competitors. By doing so, you will know what your competitors are doing and learn how to outsmart them. You will also know what they are tweeting about and join them in the discussion. They may also be tweeting about a popular hash tag. You can involve in discussion such hash tag.

A list of competitors will give you an edge to understand them and plan a twitter marketing strategy that will boast your revenue.

2. A List of Influencers.
You can also create a list of influencers in your market niche or industry. Engage with them regularly through the list, be the first to comment when they raised a question. From your list of influencers, you can get great ideas on resources you needs to create your next great content.

3. A List For Customers
Your twitter followers are leads that can give you the customers you need for your business. If a twitter follower order for a product or a meeting add him or her to the list. Use the medium to understand your customer needs.

You can also use this list to tell customers about new promotion and listen to customers complains.

4. A List for News Media
You can create a list for News Medias you love reading from and those related to your niche. First thing in the morning flip through thier twitter contents and retweet any tweet related to your industry. You can also get information from News Media that can help you adjust to any new information available in your industry.

For example, if your niche or industry is on phones and laptop, you can create a list for News Medias and bloggers that tweet on technology. Then, if they tweet content that relate more to your niche, then ensure you retweet immediately.

5. A List for Event
Are you planning a new event, twitter list is a good platform to get people to start talking about it. You can use the list to add persons who are interest or want to attend the event. You can also include speakers of the event on the list too.

The list will provides the opportunity for speakers and those attending to get used to each other before the event. The list can also be use to disseminate information concerning the event, when it will start, the venue and if there is any changes to the event.

6. A List For Employees
You can create a list for your employees. Such a list will help you build employees relationship. Retweet there tweet if they relate to the business and connect your customers to your employees if necessary.

A twitter list will be most useful if you have employees at different branches. You can use twitter list to connect all employees from all your offices together. This will help build good relationship between them.

7.A List For A Particular Hash tag
Many twitter account holder has added me to twitter list base on a particular hash tag I use when tweeting. You can do the same. You can create a list base on a particular hash tag and follow up any twitter user that tweet the hash tag. Then you add such persons to your hash tag list.

For example, if you create a hash tag for fashion. Which you can called #lovefashion. You will add any twitter user that tweet using that hash tag to the list.

But how will you know if someone tweet on the hash tag? A simple way to know is by using the twitter advance search icon. Type the hash tag on it and tap/click search then it will provide you with twitter users that currently tweet using the hash tag.

Twitter list is an important list that can help you acheive your business goa. It can also increase your business popularity and help you know what is trending in your industry.

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