1. IP address.

if someone or you click the ads that come from the same IP address you use to access your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

2. Click Through Rate/Click Through Rate (CTR).

Typically, the Click Rate should not exceed 10%. If not, Google will mark your account. For your information, the normal CTR should range between 0.5% – 10%.

3. The location.

Google has a tracking software and technology. They can trace the origin of the traffic to the small town. So, using different computers with different IP addresses does not secure anything. So, don’t try to click on your ad from different internet cafe or public. It will kill you.

4. Cookies.

Most home users do not use a static IP address for your internet connection. In most cases just disconnect and reconnect the internet will give you a new IP Address. But remember, Google has set a cookie on your computer. They can track the cookie sand see if they come from the same computer.

5. The pattern of Illegal Clicks 

It is also suspicious, when there are visitors who click the ads there, after click they leave your website (hit and run). Normal visitors normally browse through website’s content beforehand, after they see there are ads that get them interested recently there is a possibility that a click is a click.

6. Click the pattern of Illegal 

There is a visitor who often click the ads on the website address that is the same butvery rarely/never ever click AdSense ads on other Web sites.

7. The pattern of Illegal Clicks 

Visitor or visitors that visit and often click advertising a website that comes from its computer bookmarks or type directly in the website address in the browser. Whereas on other websites he hardly ever click AdSense ads to another.

8. Google’s other Services.

In addition to Google Adsense, Google also provides a series of services to us. Don’t just think that it’s safe if you have never logged in to your AdSense account and click on your own ads. What other Google services they provide for us? Here are some of them: Gmail service (most of the people use it), Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, Youtube, perhaps even their own browser (Google Chrome).

9. your website’s Ranking on search engines.

Your website is not indexed in any search engine, not connected with the leading web site, but getting consistent high visitor? How visitors can access your website and clicks on your ad? It will make Google the smell of death.

10. The inducement in the form of writing.

How about “Please click the link below” or “donate to our site by clicking on the ads”? This kind of ways not in line with the Google TOS. Google can use their search engine, or even a human agent (google her) to check your site from time to time.

11. Conversion from advertisers (Advertiser).

If there is a click on your ad from the visitor then we will get revenue. But whether it brings benefits to advertisers? the point is if there are visitors of our website click advertising voluntarily headed to the advertiser’s website, and then the visitor taste linger on website advertisers and or perhaps purchasing a product or subscribing to anything on the website of the advertiser, maybe it would be advantageous for advertisers (Advertiser). If not, then you are in trouble. Smart-Pricing hits first, then your AdSense account disabled. Don’t be too is attempting to increase the CTR as big as(using the website which is a bit deceiving visitors clearly)

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