Hey guys hope you are all enjoying claritta? As for me am just starting to enjoy them! As i got paid again yesterday still expecting more payment from two people.

I just want to let you know that claritta has moved from claritta.com to claritta.net if you are already a member of clraitta I guess you experience their recent upgrade !!! And things are now going smoothly... If you can't access website is because you are going to their old website which is claritta.com, So kindly open claritta.net and login your account.

For those who DON'T know claritta let me explain how claritta.com I mean claritta.net works.

What is Claritta?
Claritta is a Member-to-Member Donation and Referral Platform. You donate N1,500 to a Fellow Claritta Member, and in 7 days time you'll be matched with 4 Claritta Members who will donate N1,500 each to you and you will receive #6000

How Claritta Works:

*Become a Claritta member by registering on the Claritta.com website.

*You (together with 2 other Claritta members) will be automatically matched with an existing Claritta member.

*You donate N1,500 to that member you've been matched with, and your Claritta account will be instantly activated, and you'll be able to refer people to Claritta.net

*You can make up to 3 donations at the same time, and for each N1,500 donation you make, Claritta matches you in 1 week's time with 4 members who donate N1,500 each to you which is total of #6000. If you make 2 donations (of N1,500 each), then in 7 days time you'll get matched with 8 people who will pay you N1,500 each (making N15,000 in total). Donate N1,500, Get N6,000 in 7 days time. Donate N1,500 twice, get N12,000 in 7 days time. Donate N1,500 three times, get N18,000 in 7 days time.

But That's Not All..

*Whenever you refer a new member to Claritta.net, and that person you refer joins and donates N1,500, you'll be immediately matched in 3 days time with 3 Claritta members who will each donate N1,500 to you. If you refer 1 new member, you get matched to receive N4,500 in 3 days time, and if you refer 2 new members, you get matched to receive N9,000 in 3 days time. So if you're a Claritta Member, and you refer just 4 people a week, you earn N18,000 every week (which is N72,000 a month). And if you can refer 6 people a week as a Claritta Member, you earn N27,000 every week (N108,000 a month).

I got paid again YESTERDAY  by two people you can check the payment prove below still excepting more !!

How to sign up
Sign up here http://claritta.net/
if you have any question concerning this post

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