Anyone can get his/her smart phone wet, Either by splitting out of your hand, jumping into a swimming pool with your non resistance smart phone, Dropping your smart phone inside a bowl full of water ! Etc. The first thing that will come to your mind is how to save and rescue your wet smart phone from damages. Here are quick tips and fast solutions you should always keep in mind if such happens.

Tips How To Save And Rescue Your Wet Smart Phone 

1••➡ Do not turn back on your phone right away (keep it off until you know it’s totally dry or if phone is still on immediately take off the battery).

2••➡ While dismantling your mobile phone completely, drys out the phone more effectively, but doing so will not only void your warranty, chances are you may jeopardise your phone if you're not careful as it requires special tools,

3•• ➡ Remove all peripherals from the device (back cover, case, battery, headphones and any other removable gadget).

4••➡ Use a vacuum to drain moisture from the device (Try to get as much of the water out of it as possible).

5••➡ Cover the phone in towels for 24hrs OR
Place the phone in a bowl or bag of uncooked rice or desiccant “usually found with new shoes” for like 24hrs

6••➡ Applying heat to the smart phone in one way or the other OR use a hairdryer to dry out  wet smart phone. But this methods might successfully evaporate all the moisture still sitting within the handset, it risks becoming too hot and causing damage to the components.

Those are the tips to Save and rescue your wet smart phone kindly take your smart phone to an account engineer if the above tips didn't work for you.

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