The major change here in the Mobile Electricity offering is the DC to AC conversion inclusion, which was missing from the previous edition offers. This is no doubt an excellent incentive from the Lumos team, owners of the Mobile Electricity brand, as a major factor militating against greater adoption of the service was the fact that customers who purchased the earlier versions had to contend with the problem or challenge of then looking for DC appliances that they could use with the system.

With the new development, this additional layer of stress is eliminated, meaning that right from the get-go MTN Mobile Electricity/Lumos customers are outfitted with all that they need to make use of this excellent product. Cheers guys and if you haven’t got yours yet, you're surely on a long thing.

Kindly note that all information herein following is the exclusive preserve and right of Lumos Nigeria as pertaining to their partnership with MTN in regards to the Mobile Electricity technology and offer; and that further, such information is only represented here in order to help spread the adoption and awareness of this environmentally friendly technology. Cheers. 


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